Easy Fire (WAOWF)

First Reported: 2024-07-18 17:20:21 UTC on July 18, 2024
Inciweb page: WAOWF Easy Fire
Size: 2130 Acres
Type: Wildfire
Status: Field Active
Percent Contained: 36%
Easy Fire (2024-07-18)
2,130 acre wildfire (36% contained)
Darrington, Washington, United States
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Wildfire Status:

The Easy Fire is currently active in the Methow Valley Ranger District, approximately 17 air miles west of Mazama, Washington. It ignited due to dry lightning storms on July 17, 2024, and has quickly spread across 2,130 acres. As of the latest update, the fire is 36% contained. Initial response efforts faced significant challenges, including extreme temperatures, record dry conditions, and dangerous terrain that lacks road access, contributing to explosive fire growth and running crown fire during its early stages.

Fire agencies are employing a combination of ground crews and aerial resources to combat the Easy Fire. Ground crews are working to establish containment lines where feasible, while air resources are utilized to cool hotspots with water. Natural features on the north and south sides of the fire are being leveraged to help limit its spread. However, steep drainages and ridgelines complicate direct access for ground crews and hinder safe operations for aerial tankers. Despite these challenges, recent weather conditions have improved slightly, with increased fuel moisture content helping to diminish the intensity of the fire's active areas.

Incident management is closely monitoring the situation to ensure that any remaining heat is contained within the current fire footprint. Continuous weather fluctuations are expected, with localized forecasts providing critical information to firefighters on the ground. As conditions change, crews remain vigilant and prepared to adapt their strategies in response to the evolving fire dynamics.

Visit Inciweb Incident Page for more information. Information on this page is provided for informational purposes only.

Containment History:

Date Percent Contained
2024-07-18 0% contained
2024-08-14 0% contained
2024-08-20 29% contained
2024-09-19 36% contained

Fire Growth History:

Date Fire Size (Acres) Fire Size (Square Miles) Fire Size (Square Kilometers)
2024-07-18 300 acres 0.5 sq mi 1.2 sq km
2024-07-19 107 acres 0.2 sq mi 0.4 sq km
2024-07-20 150 acres 0.2 sq mi 0.6 sq km
2024-07-21 286 acres 0.4 sq mi 1.1 sq km
2024-07-22 345 acres 0.5 sq mi 1.4 sq km
2024-07-24 354 acres 0.6 sq mi 1.4 sq km
2024-07-26 397 acres 0.6 sq mi 1.6 sq km
2024-07-27 410 acres 0.6 sq mi 1.6 sq km
2024-08-04 528 acres 0.8 sq mi 2.1 sq km
2024-08-06 1056 acres 1.7 sq mi 4.2 sq km
2024-08-08 1538 acres 2.4 sq mi 6.2 sq km
2024-08-10 1754 acres 2.7 sq mi 7.0 sq km
2024-08-11 1999 acres 3.1 sq mi 8.0 sq km
2024-09-19 2130 acres 3.3 sq mi 8.5 sq km