Cracker Jack Complex (IDNCF)

First Reported: 2024-08-11 23:33:05 UTC on August 11, 2024
Inciweb page: IDNCF Cracker Jack Complex
Size: 5240 Acres
Type: Wildfire
Status: Field Active
Percent Contained: Unknown
Cracker Jack Complex (2024-08-11)
5,240 acre wildfire
Grangeville, Idaho, United States
Nearby Fires:
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Wildfire Status:

The Cracker Jack Complex, comprising four separate lightning-caused wildfires—the Square Lake Fire, Whistling Pig Fire, Fish Fire, and Fish 2 Fire—has currently burned approximately 5,240 acres in the Gospel-Hump Wilderness of Idaho. The fires were ignited on August 10, 2024, following a small lightning storm that passed through the Red River Ranger District. Fortunately, recent rainfall has significantly slowed fire activity, providing some relief to the affected areas.

Fire agencies have deployed a Local Type 4 Incident Commander to oversee the response efforts. As of now, there are no personnel actively fighting the fire on the ground, indicating a shift in strategy possibly due to the dampening effects of recent weather. While all trail closures associated with the complex have been lifted, hazards such as rolling debris and the potential for flash flooding remain a concern, especially in the wake of the rainfall.

Current weather conditions are favorable for controlling the fires, with scattered thunderstorms expected to bring heavy rainfall, particularly in eastern Clearwater County. This rainfall could contribute to widespread wetting of the ground, which is crucial for diminishing fire behavior. However, areas to the west may experience more sporadic rainfall, which could limit the effectiveness of this weather pattern. A warming and drying trend is anticipated to follow, which could pose new challenges for fire management in the coming days.

Visit Inciweb Incident Page for more information. Information on this page is provided for informational purposes only.

Fire Growth History:

Date Fire Size (Acres) Fire Size (Square Miles) Fire Size (Square Kilometers)
2024-08-12 30 acres 0.0 sq mi 0.1 sq km
2024-08-13 30 acres 0.0 sq mi 0.1 sq km
2024-08-16 89 acres 0.1 sq mi 0.4 sq km
2024-08-21 265 acres 0.4 sq mi 1.1 sq km
2024-08-27 702 acres 1.1 sq mi 2.8 sq km
2024-09-05 1345 acres 2.1 sq mi 5.4 sq km
2024-09-12 3800 acres 5.9 sq mi 15.2 sq km
2024-09-19 5240 acres 8.2 sq mi 21.0 sq km