Sharrott Creek Fire (MTBRF)

First Reported: 2024-08-24 00:08:33 UTC on August 24, 2024
Inciweb page: MTBRF Sharrott Creek Fire
Size: 3204 Acres
Type: Wildfire
Status: Field Active
Percent Contained: Unknown
Sharrott Creek Fire (2024-08-24)
3,204 acre wildfire
Stevensville, Montana, United States
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Wildfire Status:

The Sharrott Creek Fire, located three miles west of Stevensville, Montana, is currently being managed under a confinement strategy and is 83% complete. The fire ignited on August 23, 2024, due to a lightning strike and quickly expanded during a wind event. It has burned approximately 3,204 acres, primarily threatening private properties adjacent to the Bitterroot National Forest on the eastern side of the fire. The western section, however, is situated in rugged and remote terrain, which poses challenges for firefighting efforts due to limited access.

Firefighting resources, numbering around 228 personnel, have been concentrated on protecting vulnerable private properties. Recent rainfall and cooler, damp weather conditions have significantly reduced fire behavior, leading to minimal activity characterized by creeping and smoldering. Fire managers are focusing on repairing equipment lines and managing fuel loads, employing wood chippers to break down larger debris to mitigate future fire risks.

Looking ahead, the weather forecast predicts sunnier conditions with temperatures in the 60s and winds from the southwest at speeds of 20-25 mph. While drier weather is expected, the increased moisture levels from recent precipitation have alleviated immediate threats, allowing firefighters to strategize for the upcoming days without concerns of the fire expanding beyond its current perimeter. Additionally, area closures remain in effect to ensure the safety of both the public and firefighting personnel as operations continue.

Visit Inciweb Incident Page for more information. Information on this page is provided for informational purposes only.

Containment History:

Date Percent Contained
2024-08-27 0% contained
2024-08-29 0% contained
2024-09-03 3% contained
2024-09-05 25% contained
2024-09-07 32% contained

Fire Growth History:

Date Fire Size (Acres) Fire Size (Square Miles) Fire Size (Square Kilometers)
2024-08-26 1048 acres 1.6 sq mi 4.2 sq km
2024-08-28 1130 acres 1.8 sq mi 4.5 sq km
2024-08-29 1304 acres 2.0 sq mi 5.2 sq km
2024-08-30 1367 acres 2.1 sq mi 5.5 sq km
2024-08-31 1458 acres 2.3 sq mi 5.8 sq km
2024-09-02 1775 acres 2.8 sq mi 7.1 sq km
2024-09-03 2399 acres 3.7 sq mi 9.6 sq km
2024-09-04 2873 acres 4.5 sq mi 11.5 sq km
2024-09-05 2878 acres 4.5 sq mi 11.5 sq km
2024-09-06 2903 acres 4.5 sq mi 11.6 sq km
2024-09-07 3000 acres 4.7 sq mi 12.0 sq km
2024-09-09 3018 acres 4.7 sq mi 12.1 sq km
2024-09-10 3193 acres 5.0 sq mi 12.8 sq km
2024-09-19 3204 acres 5.0 sq mi 12.8 sq km