Milepost 98 (ORUPF)

First Reported: 2024-09-10 03:49:52 UTC on September 10, 2024
Inciweb page: ORUPF Milepost 98
Size: 250 Acres
Type: Wildfire
Status: Field Active
Percent Contained: 100%
Milepost 98 (2024-09-10)
250 acre wildfire (100% contained)
Canyonville, Oregon, United States
Nearby Fires:
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Wildfire Status:

The Milepost 98 wildfire, located approximately one mile south of Canyonville, Oregon, has been active since September 5, 2024. Currently, the fire has burned 250 acres and is reported to be 100% contained. Fire agencies have deployed a total of 35 personnel to manage the situation, with an estimated containment date set for September 20, 2024. The primary fuels involved in the fire include light logging slash and timber with understory brush, with minimal active fire behavior reported at this time.

Recent weather conditions have contributed positively to the firefighting efforts. Scattered morning showers provided cool and damp conditions, along with a few hundredths of an inch of rain. While the afternoon saw a decrease in rainfall and some clearing, temperatures remained cool, and humidity levels were high. These factors have significantly reduced fire activity, with only limited smoldering observed in heavier fuels on the interior of the fire area. Fire agencies anticipate minimal fire activity over the next 24 hours, focusing on securing the fire line through 100-foot gridding and mop-up operations, as well as implementing erosion control measures.

Overall, the response from fire agencies has been effective, and the current outlook suggests that the fire's behavior will remain stable, with no further perimeter growth expected. The combination of effective suppression actions and favorable weather conditions has played a crucial role in bringing the Milepost 98 fire under control.

Visit Inciweb Incident Page for more information. Information on this page is provided for informational purposes only.

Containment History:

Date Percent Contained
2024-09-10 0% contained
2024-09-11 17% contained
2024-09-12 21% contained
2024-09-13 27% contained
2024-09-14 47% contained
2024-09-15 63% contained
2024-09-20 100% contained

Fire Growth History:

Date Fire Size (Acres) Fire Size (Square Miles) Fire Size (Square Kilometers)
2024-09-10 240 acres 0.4 sq mi 1.0 sq km
2024-09-11 240 acres 0.4 sq mi 1.0 sq km
2024-09-20 250 acres 0.4 sq mi 1.0 sq km