Remington Fire (MTGNF)

First Reported: 2024-08-24 15:34:35 UTC on August 24, 2024
Inciweb page: MTGNF Remington Fire
Size: 196368 Acres
Type: Wildfire
Status: Field Active
Percent Contained: 100%
Remington Fire (2024-08-24)
196,368 acre wildfire (100% contained)
Sheridan, Wyoming, United States

Wildfire Status:

The Remington Fire, which ignited in Sheridan County, Wyoming, has now spread into multiple counties in southeastern Montana, impacting areas such as Powder River, Big Horn, and Rosebud Counties. The fire poses risks to communities including Quietus, Otter, and Birney, as well as the southeastern portion of the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation. Currently, the fire has burned approximately 196,368 acres and is fully contained, with 100% of its perimeter secured.

Fire management has been transitioned to the Southwest Area Complex Incident Management Team 5 as of August 25, 2024. A total of 95 personnel are currently engaged in firefighting efforts, focusing on patrol and mop-up operations, suppression repair, and damage assessments. The fire behavior observed has been minimal, characterized by creeping and smoldering, primarily in sheltered timbered areas. Planned actions include ongoing monitoring and repair initiatives in the affected regions.

Weather conditions are currently favorable for fire containment, with moderate humidity recovery expected overnight and gentle winds shifting to the southeast. A weak cold front is anticipated to bring isolated showers and thunderstorms, accompanied by wind gusts of up to 40 mph and frequent lightning. Tomorrow's temperatures are projected to be cooler, which should further assist firefighting efforts. The incident management team is also overseeing other active fires in the region, and a cooperator meeting is scheduled for September 4th to discuss ongoing strategies and collaboration.

Visit Inciweb Incident Page for more information. Information on this page is provided for informational purposes only.

Containment History:

Date Percent Contained
2024-08-24 0% contained
2024-08-27 0% contained
2024-08-28 50% contained
2024-08-29 61% contained
2024-08-30 66% contained
2024-08-31 76% contained
2024-09-02 81% contained
2024-09-03 86% contained
2024-10-17 88% contained
2025-01-22 100% contained

Fire Growth History:

Date Fire Size (Acres) Fire Size (Square Miles) Fire Size (Square Kilometers)
2024-08-24 130000 acres 203.1 sq mi 520.0 sq km
2024-08-25 184127 acres 287.7 sq mi 736.5 sq km
2024-08-27 196387 acres 306.9 sq mi 785.5 sq km
2024-08-29 196459 acres 307.0 sq mi 785.8 sq km
2024-08-30 196238 acres 306.6 sq mi 785.0 sq km
2025-01-22 196368 acres 306.8 sq mi 785.5 sq km