Rail Ridge (OROCF)

First Reported: 2024-09-03 22:11:40 UTC on September 03, 2024
Inciweb page: OROCF Rail Ridge
Size: 162345 Acres
Type: Wildfire
Status: Field Active
Percent Contained: 50%
Rail Ridge (2024-09-03)
162,345 acre wildfire (50% contained)
Canyon City, Oregon, United States
Nearby Fires:
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Wildfire Status:

The Rail Ridge Fire, which ignited on September 2, 2024, due to multiple lightning strikes, has rapidly merged into a significant wildfire event in Oregon. Currently, the fire covers approximately 162,345 acres and is about 50% contained. The incident is located roughly 7 miles south of Dayville, Oregon. As of the latest reports, a total of 1,182 personnel are engaged in firefighting efforts, utilizing 29 crews, 64 engines, and various heavy equipment, including 17 bulldozers and multiple helicopters.

In response to the fire, the California Complex Interagency Management Team (CA-CIMT-10) was mobilized on September 3, 2024, and took command on September 6. The Oregon Department of State Fire Marshal also dispatched structural task forces on September 4 to assist local fire districts. As the situation stabilizes, the management will transition command from CA-CIMT-10 to Alaska Team 3 on September 20, 2024. Evacuations are in effect, and residents are advised to check local emergency management resources for the latest information.

Weather conditions have played a crucial role in the fire's development. While specific weather data is not detailed in the latest updates, the initial ignition was caused by lightning, suggesting that dry conditions may have contributed to the rapid spread of the fire. Firefighting efforts continue to focus on containment and protecting structures in the area. The ongoing coordination between different incident management teams showcases a strong inter-agency collaboration aimed at mitigating the wildfire's impact.

Visit Inciweb Incident Page for more information. Information on this page is provided for informational purposes only.

Containment History:

Date Percent Contained
2024-09-03 0% contained
2024-09-05 0% contained
2024-09-06 3% contained
2024-09-07 4% contained
2024-09-09 7% contained
2024-09-10 11% contained
2024-09-12 12% contained
2024-09-15 25% contained
2024-09-16 30% contained
2024-09-18 38% contained
2024-09-20 50% contained

Fire Growth History:

Date Fire Size (Acres) Fire Size (Square Miles) Fire Size (Square Kilometers)
2024-09-04 61433 acres 96.0 sq mi 245.7 sq km
2024-09-05 82947 acres 129.6 sq mi 331.8 sq km
2024-09-06 107371 acres 167.8 sq mi 429.5 sq km
2024-09-07 121923 acres 190.5 sq mi 487.7 sq km
2024-09-08 135067 acres 211.0 sq mi 540.3 sq km
2024-09-09 146601 acres 229.1 sq mi 586.4 sq km
2024-09-10 157759 acres 246.5 sq mi 631.0 sq km
2024-09-13 161675 acres 252.6 sq mi 646.7 sq km
2024-09-15 162029 acres 253.2 sq mi 648.1 sq km
2024-09-17 162278 acres 253.6 sq mi 649.1 sq km
2024-09-20 162345 acres 253.7 sq mi 649.4 sq km