Warner Peak (ORSHR)

First Reported: 2024-08-08 18:11:13 UTC on August 08, 2024
Inciweb page: ORSHR Warner Peak
Size: 59170 Acres
Type: Wildfire
Status: Field Active
Percent Contained: 4%
Warner Peak (2024-08-08)
59,170 acre wildfire (4% contained)
Lakeview, Oregon, United States

Wildfire Status:

The Warner Peak Fire started on the evening of Monday, August 5, 2024, within the Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge, 6 miles east of Plush, Oregon. The fire is currently 59,170 acres in size with 4% of the perimeter contained. There are 453 personnel responding to the fire, with an estimated containment date of September 5, 2024. The primary objective is to protect the critical sagebrush ecosystem within the refuge, focusing on safeguarding the habitats of the greater sage-grouse and pronghorn antelope, as well as minimizing the overall acreage burned.

The current weather conditions pose concerns, with temperatures decreasing to the low 80s and humidities down to 14%. West to northwest gusts of up to 25 mph are expected, continuing over the next several days. The fire is exhibiting very active behavior, with short-range spotting and movement to the southeast and west. Fire agencies are working on planned actions to preserve critical wildlife habitats and protect key infrastructure, private lands, and the nearby community of Plush. The fire is actively being suppressed, and a full strategy suppression approach is in place to contain the fire and prevent further spread.

Visit Inciweb Incident Page for more information. Information on this page is provided for informational purposes only.

Containment History:

Date Percent Contained
2024-08-08 0% contained
2024-08-11 0% contained
2024-08-13 4% contained

Fire Growth History:

Date Fire Size (Acres) Fire Size (Square Miles) Fire Size (Square Kilometers)
2024-08-08 17000 acres 26.6 sq mi 68.0 sq km
2024-08-09 22974 acres 35.9 sq mi 91.9 sq km
2024-08-10 39923 acres 62.4 sq mi 159.7 sq km
2024-08-11 43225 acres 67.5 sq mi 172.9 sq km
2024-08-13 59170 acres 92.5 sq mi 236.7 sq km