Telephone Fire (ORMAF)

First Reported: 2024-07-23 14:48:16 UTC on July 23, 2024
Inciweb page: ORMAF Telephone Fire
Size: 54005 Acres
Type: Wildfire
Status: Field Active
Percent Contained: 100%
Telephone Fire (2024-07-23)
54,005 acre wildfire (100% contained)
Burns, Oregon, United States
Nearby Fires:
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Burns, Oregon, United States
Porcupine Fire (2024-08-07)
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Burns, Oregon, United States
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Wildfire Status:

The Telephone Fire, which ignited on July 22, 2024, is currently located approximately 15 miles north of Burns, Oregon, within the King Mountain area of the Malheur National Forest. As of now, the fire has reached full containment, with efforts from the Forest Service, Oregon Department of Forestry, Bureau of Land Management, and Oregon State Fire Marshal emphasizing a full-suppression strategy. Firefighters have successfully employed a combination of direct and indirect tactics to manage the fire, overcoming challenges posed by difficult terrain and accessibility issues on the eastern side.

Recent reports indicate that all evacuation orders for Harney and Grant Counties have been lifted, reflecting a significant improvement in the situation. However, the Malheur National Forest remains under a closure order to ensure public safety and facilitate ongoing fire suppression operations. Several campgrounds, including Emigrant Creek, Falls, Yellowjacket, and Delintment Lake, have been closed due to the fire activity.

Weather conditions have played a crucial role in the firefighting efforts, contributing to a more manageable situation. The fire managers are closely monitoring for any potential flare-ups, with ongoing mop-up operations and patrols to secure the perimeter. As of the latest updates, the fire has burned approximately 54,034 acres and is believed to have been caused by natural lightning strikes.

Visit Inciweb Incident Page for more information. Information on this page is provided for informational purposes only.

Containment History:

Date Percent Contained
2024-07-23 0% contained
2024-07-30 0% contained
2024-07-31 15% contained
2024-08-04 23% contained
2024-08-06 31% contained
2024-08-07 40% contained
2024-08-09 59% contained
2024-08-10 61% contained
2024-08-11 62% contained
2024-08-13 64% contained
2024-08-14 65% contained
2024-08-15 95% contained
2024-08-16 89% contained
2024-08-21 95% contained
2024-09-20 100% contained

Fire Growth History:

Date Fire Size (Acres) Fire Size (Square Miles) Fire Size (Square Kilometers)
2024-07-23 5000 acres 7.8 sq mi 20.0 sq km
2024-07-25 9000 acres 14.1 sq mi 36.0 sq km
2024-07-26 12180 acres 19.0 sq mi 48.7 sq km
2024-07-27 15190 acres 23.7 sq mi 60.8 sq km
2024-07-28 22429 acres 35.0 sq mi 89.7 sq km
2024-07-29 26000 acres 40.6 sq mi 104.0 sq km
2024-07-30 31721 acres 49.6 sq mi 126.9 sq km
2024-07-31 36668 acres 57.3 sq mi 146.7 sq km
2024-08-01 38726 acres 60.5 sq mi 154.9 sq km
2024-08-02 46000 acres 71.9 sq mi 184.0 sq km
2024-08-04 50863 acres 79.5 sq mi 203.5 sq km
2024-08-05 52130 acres 81.5 sq mi 208.5 sq km
2024-08-06 53110 acres 83.0 sq mi 212.4 sq km
2024-08-07 53388 acres 83.4 sq mi 213.6 sq km
2024-08-08 53487 acres 83.6 sq mi 213.9 sq km
2024-08-09 53765 acres 84.0 sq mi 215.1 sq km
2024-08-10 53852 acres 84.1 sq mi 215.4 sq km
2024-08-11 53944 acres 84.3 sq mi 215.8 sq km
2024-08-13 53989 acres 84.4 sq mi 216.0 sq km
2024-08-14 53999 acres 84.4 sq mi 216.0 sq km
2024-08-22 54034 acres 84.4 sq mi 216.1 sq km
2024-09-20 54005 acres 84.4 sq mi 216.0 sq km