Wildcat Fire (AZTNF)

First Reported: 2024-05-19 07:45:05 UTC on May 19, 2024
Inciweb page: AZTNF Wildcat Fire
Size: 14402 Acres
Type: Wildfire
Status: Field Active
Percent Contained: 100%
Wildcat Fire (2024-05-19)
14,402 acre wildfire (100% contained)
Carefree, Arizona, United States
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Wildfire Status:

The Wildcat Fire, located in the Sonoran Desert near Vista Verde, has been reported to be fully contained as of May 24, 2024, covering an area of 14,402 acres. The fire was first detected on May 18, 2024, and due to favorable weather conditions and a collaborative response from multiple fire agencies, it is now smoldering within its established perimeter. The incident has been managed by a Type 4 District Team, with a total of 17 personnel currently assigned to the scene.

Firefighting efforts have included aerial support, with contracted helicopters performing water drops to assist in suppression activities. The roads surrounding Bartlett Dam and Horseshoe Dam were reopened on May 23, 2024, allowing better access for firefighting crews and equipment. However, the public is reminded to remain vigilant and avoid entering closed areas for safety reasons, as fire suppression operations are ongoing.

Current weather conditions are stable, contributing to the lack of fire growth beyond the perimeter. Fire managers expect the situation to remain controlled, with ongoing mop-up and monitoring of the fire perimeter. The public is also cautioned against flying drones in the area, as this can interfere with firefighting aircraft and hinder suppression efforts.

Visit Inciweb Incident Page for more information. Information on this page is provided for informational purposes only.

Containment History:

Date Percent Contained
2024-05-19 0% contained
2024-05-20 0% contained
2024-05-21 23% contained
2024-05-22 36% contained
2024-05-23 56% contained
2024-05-24 64% contained
2024-05-29 84% contained
2024-06-03 95% contained
2024-09-08 100% contained

Fire Growth History:

Date Fire Size (Acres) Fire Size (Square Miles) Fire Size (Square Kilometers)
2024-05-19 5000 acres 7.8 sq mi 20.0 sq km
2024-05-20 14072 acres 22.0 sq mi 56.3 sq km
2024-05-21 14283 acres 22.3 sq mi 57.1 sq km
2024-09-08 14402 acres 22.5 sq mi 57.6 sq km