Blue Hills Fire (TXTXS)

First Reported: 2025-02-01 21:28:59 UTC on February 01, 2025
Inciweb page: TXTXS Blue Hills Fire
Size: 3900 Acres
Type: Wildfire
Status: Field Active
Percent Contained: 100%
Blue Hills Fire (2025-02-01)
3,900 acre wildfire (100% contained)
Fritch, Texas, United States
Nearby Fires:
Combs Fire (2025-03-04)
357 acre wildfire (100% contained)
Pampa, Texas, United States

Wildfire Status:

The Blue Hills Fire, which ignited on February 1, 2025, in Moore County, Texas, has now reached a size of 3,900 acres and is currently 100% contained. Initially reported around 1:00 PM, the fire was fueled by tall grass and brush, and driven by southwest winds that pushed it northeast. Immediate evacuations were implemented for campgrounds at Lake Meredith National Park and for residents in the Bugbee area. The Texas A&M Forest Service, along with local agencies and the National Parks Service, has been actively involved in managing the incident under unified command.

As of February 4, 2025, fire crews are focusing on mop-up operations to locate and extinguish any remaining hotspots. No active smoke or heat has been detected in the fire area, allowing command to declare the fire fully contained. The number of personnel on site has been reduced to 41, and no additional resources are planned to be deployed for this incident.

In terms of weather conditions, the area has experienced varying humidity levels, with recent readings as high as 73%. Forecasters predict a drop in humidity to 40-45% later in the day, along with a slight chance of drizzle, which is expected to help limit fire activity and assist in the containment efforts. Overall, the situation has stabilized, and fire agencies are optimistic about concluding operations soon.

Visit Inciweb Incident Page for more information. Information on this page is provided for informational purposes only.

Containment History:

Date Percent Contained
2025-02-01 50% contained
2025-02-02 80% contained
2025-02-03 85% contained
2025-03-12 100% contained

Fire Growth History:

Date Fire Size (Acres) Fire Size (Square Miles) Fire Size (Square Kilometers)
2025-02-01 3000 acres 4.7 sq mi 12.0 sq km
2025-02-03 3868 acres 6.0 sq mi 15.5 sq km
2025-03-12 3900 acres 6.1 sq mi 15.6 sq km