Blue 2 Fire (NMLNF)

First Reported: 2024-05-19 15:53:06 UTC on May 19, 2024
Inciweb page: NMLNF Blue 2 Fire
Size: 7532 Acres
Type: Wildfire
Status: Field Active
Percent Contained: 100%
Blue 2 Fire (2024-05-19)
7,532 acre wildfire (100% contained)
Ruidoso, New Mexico, United States
Nearby Fires:
South Fork and Salt (2024-06-19)
17,569 acre wildfire (99% contained)
Ruidoso, New Mexico, United States

Wildfire Status:

The Blue 2 Fire, located in the White Mountain Wilderness Area of Lincoln National Forest, has reached 100 percent containment as of May 19, 2024. This fire, which was ignited by lightning on May 16, 2024, alongside another fire known as Blue Fire, has been managed with a full suppression strategy. As of the latest report, effective firefighting strategies and resources have successfully controlled the fire's spread, resulting in no significant fire behavior observed.

Fire agencies have deployed a total of 118 personnel to the incident. The fire burned across an area of approximately 7,532 acres, primarily consisting of grass and some scattered shrubs, with heavy dead fuels being the main contributors to fire activity. Fortunately, the moisture content in live fuels has remained high, which has helped mitigate the spread of the fire, although pockets of heavy dead fuels showed low moisture levels.

Recent weather conditions have been favorable for containment efforts, with minimal fire behavior reported. Current plans include ongoing monitoring and patrolling of the fire area, as well as assessing and repairing fire suppression lines. Due to the inhospitable terrain, aerial assessments using Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) will continue to manage the situation safely, ensuring that firefighter safety remains the top priority. As the situation stabilizes, the local agencies are preparing for rehabilitation activities and post-response assessments to address any environmental impacts.

Visit Inciweb Incident Page for more information. Information on this page is provided for informational purposes only.

Containment History:

Date Percent Contained
2024-05-19 0% contained
2024-05-29 0% contained
2024-06-03 59% contained
2024-06-05 69% contained
2024-06-10 87% contained
2024-06-11 88% contained
2024-06-12 91% contained
2024-07-01 92% contained
2024-07-16 96% contained
2024-09-20 100% contained

Fire Growth History:

Date Fire Size (Acres) Fire Size (Square Miles) Fire Size (Square Kilometers)
2024-05-19 5 acres 0.0 sq mi 0.0 sq km
2024-05-22 45 acres 0.1 sq mi 0.2 sq km
2024-05-23 48 acres 0.1 sq mi 0.2 sq km
2024-05-24 1478 acres 2.3 sq mi 5.9 sq km
2024-05-25 3427 acres 5.4 sq mi 13.7 sq km
2024-05-26 6213 acres 9.7 sq mi 24.9 sq km
2024-05-27 6615 acres 10.3 sq mi 26.5 sq km
2024-05-29 7178 acres 11.2 sq mi 28.7 sq km
2024-06-05 7495 acres 11.7 sq mi 30.0 sq km
2024-09-20 7532 acres 11.8 sq mi 30.1 sq km