Copper Fire (IDPAF)

First Reported: 2024-09-06 21:07:46 UTC on September 06, 2024
Inciweb page: IDPAF Copper Fire
Size: 1932 Acres
Type: Wildfire
Status: Field Active
Percent Contained: Unknown
Copper Fire (2024-09-06)
1,932 acre wildfire
McCall, Idaho, United States
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Wildfire Status:

The Copper Fire, currently active in the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness, has grown to 1,932 acres since its detection on September 2. Located approximately 10 miles east of Edwardsburg and 1 mile west of Routon Peak, the fire has crossed Monumental Creek and is now about 1.5 miles from Monumental Ranch. However, the ranch remains safe, as operations continue without interruption. Firefighters are actively engaged on-site with structure protection measures in place.

Fire response efforts are focused on a Monitor and Zone/Point Protection strategy given the fire's location within a wilderness area. Fire agencies are monitoring the situation closely to ensure the safety of both the ranch and the surrounding environment. Despite the fire's proximity to the ranch, there has been no noted escalation in risk to structures or personnel.

Weather conditions in the area could play a pivotal role in the fire's progression. While specific weather data is not provided, typical fall conditions may include cooler temperatures and potential moisture, which can aid in firefighting efforts. Stakeholders and residents can keep abreast of updates through official channels, including the Inciweb link provided for further wildfire information in the region.

Visit Inciweb Incident Page for more information. Information on this page is provided for informational purposes only.

Fire Growth History:

Date Fire Size (Acres) Fire Size (Square Miles) Fire Size (Square Kilometers)
2024-09-06 315 acres 0.5 sq mi 1.3 sq km
2024-09-11 315 acres 0.5 sq mi 1.3 sq km
2024-09-12 1354 acres 2.1 sq mi 5.4 sq km
2024-09-19 1932 acres 3.0 sq mi 7.7 sq km